Thursday, April 29, 2010

An Eye For an Eye

"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind." - Mahatma Gandhi

Human behavior never fails to amaze me. Especially when it is conditioned, deeply ingrained behavior which one resorts to in the face of certain things. My inspiration for this entry is in light of some events that took place recently.

Unintentional wronging is corrected with intentional wronging. I am sorry, but that just does not make any sense to me whatsoever. The person I am talking about here, in my opinion, has a superiority complex. This person has major "princess" syndrome, and trust's ALL about them. I try to accept everyone as my brothers and sisters, but I simply just do not have that ability with some people.

I have NO patience with people who are "above and beyond" everybody else, and do not stop to think about anyone except themselves. Hell, they've had a dog for 10+ years which they just totally neglect and expects everyone else in the household to take care of. It's really hard to piss me off, but selfishness I must admit is one thing that really irks me. I will tell it how it is if you are a selfish being without a care for others, and I could really give two shits how you feel about that. So there.

An eye for an eye, when will people just wake up and realize they are hurting themselves as well as the ones they are directing this negative energy towards? I know it's easy to feel that self-gratification of "getting even", and buying in to the illusion that you have somehow corrected the situation by causing a rift between said people. If you really believe this is the way to solve things, you are in for a hard life.

I am in no way perfect, and neither is anybody else. If I do you wrong, simply talk to me about it instead of being all sneaky and passive-aggressive. Really, that just makes you look bad, and anyone with a brain can see what you are doing. I actually find it kind of hilarious how people like this go on thinking they got away with it, and that I'm too stupid to notice. If only you knew the intellect you are dealing with.

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