Monday, April 26, 2010

A wrench in the machine

Well, today has been an interesting, rather frustrating day.

Some dude called me off of craigslist with a free standing coat rack for $15, I talked him down to $10. I've been looking for one so to have a display for the various arts & crafts we will sell when in Santa Cruz. So this guy lives about 20 minutes away from me, it's a little drive. Well the van gets absolutely no MPG's whatsoever, and I underestimated how much gas I had to get there and back as I was not counting on the AC being the huge drain it was. I got a little lost on the way there, he lives in a really confusing suburb, and by the time I got there, the van was already on E. 

So, I buy the coat rack, i chat with the dude a little and leave (without the AC running now). Well, on the way to this guys house, the opposite lane of traffic was heavily congested so I decide not to come back this way upon returning home. The area was really confusing, familiar streets ended up turning in to different ones. I wasted even more gas getting lost. I just wanted to get back to a familiar area before/if I ran out. I ended up going back the way I came anyway, but the traffic thankfully had cleared up a bit by the time I got there.

Then the brakes start giving. I knew the van needed repairs, and now it is time. Just as I reach a familiar intersection, the brakes start getting dangerously low. I also notice the engine is running pretty hot. So I pull in to an inconspicuous spot in the adjacent plaza parking lot and call Heather for a ride home. It's sitting there now as I write this. Tomorrow I will bring some brake fluid, coolant and a can of gas and hope it's just the fluids making the van act funny. I'm really surprised I made it as far as I did before having to stop.

A wrench in the operation.

Without the van, the trip does not happen. However there are some things on my side at the moment: I took the placement test at Clovis Adult today, and I guess I scored really well. I qualified for independent study which will allow me to go as slow or fast as I want towards earning my HS diploma. So we have ample time before the trip to get the van fully worked on and roadworthy.

Also the guy I bought the coat rack from, I guess is some Ford certified mechanic or something. As I pulled up to his house he was outside replacing a block in one of several cars in his driveway. He says" Hey, sounds like you need 'this and this' done." I tell him that I do, in fact need the van worked on. He said he would accept $25 /hr rather than the usual $60 to $90 most shops charge, especially if I bring the parts to be replaced if any...

:) - I also got to smoke some really nice buds with my Sister Ashley, which was a very welcome feel good from the stress earlier today. Still don't understand how buds are illegal, but alcohol is okay...but that is a topic for another entry another day. I can go forever on that subject.

So here I sit typing this, feeling a little stony, Heather and Liam are on the bed behind me, and I have a new coat rack standing next to me which is slowly beginning to accumulate hemp objects to sell.

I wonder what tomorrow holds?

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