Sunday, April 25, 2010

Heaven & Hell

Ah, here we go! A most controversial subject, bound to raise some well as tempers!!

Where is Heaven, and where is Hell? If we don't obey some kind of (almost dogmatic) religion that states if we put any other Gods before God, or if we commit any sins in this list of ten rules (not nine, or eleven, but TEN), we will be judged and sent to Hell to wallow in eternal suffering...unless we recognize our sins and make a full transgretion or something.

Well, where exactly IS this hell? And where exactly is Heaven? Are they in space? Are they in the clouds? Are they in another dimension? In the middle of the Earth?

First, let's look at how it is literally impossible to piss off God (assuming He exists in the first place). He is the creator, and we are the creation. That says it all right there. We all have this notion that God is this vengeful dude up in the clouds or whatever, with a white beard watching and listening to every single thing we do. How can one little carbon unit offend such a supreme intellect with our human antics? How can we be "judged" for having free will? If the creator wanted us to have "no Gods before him", then He would have just made us without free will. If the creator knew not all of us would worship\pay reverence to Him, nor act in accordance to what is right...what right does He have to judge us for that? Sounds like He lost sight of what He was getting in to, and needs to re-evaluate exactly what is expected of us...or He just really failed at His design lol. There goes that "infallible" thing. One might even say He is playing some kind of sick joke, punishing us based on the way we act.

That would be like going up to a defenseless little kitten and declaring "I am going to smite you for being you!" Dude just needs to find something else better to do.

Duality. That is the problem. We are conditioned in to discerning between right and wrong. Truth is, there is neither. There just is. That is it. Religions (most christian religions anyway) teach us to dissasociate ourselves with the One. Call it God, call it Being, call it whatever you want. They preach that we are somehow seperate from God, and that to get in His good graces we need to obey and conform to a certain way, pray, pay homage, whatever. And THEN maybe, after our lives are over, we may be reconnected with Him and prance around in heaven and enjoy eternal bliss. That is what they call the RIGHT thing to do.

The WRONG thing to do is stray from this path, do what you want (within moral standards of course...even then nothing is wrong really), pray to whome you choose, have sex all you want, have relationships with who you want, etc etc...

Welcome to duality. Good vs Evil, Right vs Wrong, Up vs Down, Rich vs Poor...

THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS DUALITY!! There is only the One. There are no mistakes, no coincidences, no good or bad. There just is.

So back to the question, where is Heaven and Hell? Well, if you're even remotely paying the slightest attention to this, then you will have already come to the conclusion Heaven and Hell simply do not exist. Duality.

"But duality DOES exist! I mean we talk about it, it's in scriptures, it obviously exists." That's because we have a NOTION of this, it helps us discern things in physical life, and helps to define the way we perceive the world. In all actuality it's totally us. and this is not the way reality works.

The CLOSEST thing to Heaven and Hell that I can describe, is how we create our realities. There is Heaven, there is Hell, there are both, and there are neither. If everyone around you is suffering, but you are at total calmness, total silence, total peace with yourself...They are in Hell and you are in Heaven. All coexisting at the same time. No duality.

So just what the Hell is going on here (no pun intended)? Open your eyes and think for yourself. Question authority (in the religious sense, or any sense for that matter). Don't take everything at face value...not even the things I have said just have to experience it for yourself.

We are not seperate from anything. That is the illusion. We are all One, part of the One. Some call it God, others call it the Source. The ocean refuses no river, so what does it matter what route we take? We're all going the same way, names do not matter, what matters is that we recognize our inherent true nature and awaken to the reality that everything is perfect. You literally create your own Heaven and Hell. You literally create your own existence. We ARE God, we are the One.

How's that for a first entry? :)

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